Bird Rock City By The Sea (Resub) Bloc A Card 2
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA (RESUB) BLOC A CARD 2.tif BlRD ROCK CITY:BY 'fflE SEA {~) BLOCK A- ~-#-~ Lot 4- Permit to Luben s. Walchei' to instll bar sink in ple;yroom on lower level of ex;:win:f'am dwell at 322 Bird Rock Ave, Zone R-1-5 AGREE #l 99 6 9_10_7 4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Kenneth J. Houghton at 5720 Chelse Ave. Zone R-1-5 to constr a 13'7" x 16'2" addn to exist garage; addn to obs a 5'5" fryd and a 3'3" int sideyd; resulting in 46% lot cov. Condit. C-15807 4/19/79 f So. 80 1 of Lots 7&8- Permit to Kenneth & Elizabeth Houghton at 5720 Chelsea Ave., Zone R-1-5 DENIED as submitted but APPROVED 6 1 fence obs 5'5" frt yd. Condit. C-16031 5/15/79 ZA DENIED request of LUBEN S. WALCHEF TO MAINTAIN 75' of 5' hi wood fence serving a I' front yard where a max. 3' high fence is permitted at 322 Bird Rock Ave., Zone R-1-5 C-18355 2/28/84 APPEALED TO BZA 6/4/84, Zoning Administrator's decision upheld I