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Development Services

Bird Rock City By The Sea Block G Card 3

BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK G CARD 3.tif B JF{D ROCK C ITV BY THE SEA.t.01'.z. BLOCK G.-CARD-;-3 ZA considered request of ROBERT J, JOYCE 1) to constr. a garage & entry room observing a 0 1 front yard and a nursery room observing a 5' front yard, where 15' front yard is reqd.; 2) to constr. a 6 1 hi solid wall observing a 1' & 0 1 front yd., where a max. 3 1 hi wall is permitted in the 15' deep front yard; & 3) to constr. additions to the existing single- family dwelling, resulting in a floor area ration of.75, where.60 is permitted at 5736 Dolphin Place, Zone Rl-5000; and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED I) welling + to observe 10 1 front yd. on Dolphin Place where 15' is reqd.; 2) erection of 6r hi wall observing 10' front yd. where max. 3 1 wall is permitted in front yd. subj to conds. APPEALED TO BZA on 10/16/85- BZA GRANTS a portion 1) to cons tr. a garage observing a 5 ' front yard, yard where 15' front yard is reqd; 2) to cons tr. a on) top observing a I' front yard where max. 3' hi yard, subj to conds, C-18934 9/13/85 of the appeal to approved the request a nursery room observing a 10 1 front 6 1 wall (3 1 solid with 3', 50% open wall is permitted in the 15' deep front