Bird Rock City By The Sea Block 8 Card 2
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 8 CARD#2 Lots 15,16,17,18,19 & S-2 ft. of Lot 20- Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr. Co. to divide into 4 bldg. sites, Bellevue Avenue, Res#327 7-12-43 Lot 12 & North \;;,of Lot 13- Permit to George Klicka, Jr.. to change into one parcel to Permit one single family residence on Waverly Avenue. Res#619 5-25-44 Lots 26,27 & 28- Permit to Nels G. & Julia H. Severin to divide into two parcels to permit residence on each Bellevue Avenue. Res#995 6-22-45 Lots 1 to 5 & the Nly 24' of Lot 6- Permit to Severin Constr. Co. to diviie into 4 parcels to permit a single family res on each, ease side of Waverly St. Betwn Bird Rock Ave., & Forward Street. Res#l508 4-25-46 Sly-16' of Lot 6 & all of Lot 7- Permit to constr one single fam res. eas~ side of Waverly St., Betwn Bird Rock Ave., & Forward St. Res#l509 4-25-46 S\ of Lot 13 & all of 14- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Percy R. Hill to canst addn (all-purpose room) betw existing res & gar, rying the 2 structures toge her; entire structure to obs 19'6" rear yd (25' req.) at 5617 Waverly Ave., R-1 C-1937 7-11-58