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Development Services

Bird Rock Addition Block 33 Card 1

BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 33 CARD 1.tif BIRD ROCK ADDITICN BLOCK 33 CARD til-Lot 3 (E 14 Ft.) and all of Lots 4 to 7 inclusive- CUP to Nels G. Severin & West Coast Corp. to divide into 3 parcels of land to permit a residence on each parcel, on Colima St. Res. rt551.3-23-44 Lot 2 & 1 (exc Wll')- Permit to Joseph Chuharski, owner, & David S. & Alverta Casey & Dr. Roy & Lorraine Slcak, pur, to erect & opsr 14 unit motel, SE car Colima & La Jolla Blvd. cond 1 1 Res. lf6920 10-29-52 Lot 2 & l (exc W 11 1)- to Jo;;;e;.;h Chuharski, owner & David 3. & Alberta Casey & Dr. Roy & Lorraine 3lack,_i:;ur, to erect & operate 14 unit motel, SE cor Colima & La Jolla Blvd. (Res. of Prop Use-i. Ccnd 1l) Res #6921 10-29-52 Lot 1 & 2 (exc W Ll') Pem,it to David S & Alberta Casey & Vr. il.oy & LorraLe Jlack to erect 2 faced free stand neon sing, 9 1 x 11 16 11 on SW cor at alley, at SEly car La Jolla Bl. and Colima Res. #8470 9-15-54 / Lot llc&2 (exc W 111)- Permit DENIED to David S. &: Alberta Casey & Dr. il.oy & Lorraine Slack to erect sign in SB area on Colima St., SEly car L.J. Blvd. & Colima Res. #8471 9-l5-54 Lot 1 & 2 exc:l 11')- Res. 8470 ~.bO\lE to David 3. & Alberta C;,sey & Dr. Ruy & Lorraine::Slack amended to permit 6 x 4' double-f0ced sign, attn. to lilag instead 01' orig sign