Bird Rock Addition Block 22 Card 1
BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 22 CARD 1.tif--:,J'..,.;, '-..... ~- M,; < ' .. Bltm ROCJC.ADJ> It:10.1 BLOCK 22 Lota 16-18- Permit to Union Title to div into 2 bldg sites on Electric Ave. -. Rea 367 8/19/43 Lota 19-22 & s Lot 23- Permit to Homer w. Brown to div into 3 par to permit sing fam res on ea, Electric Ave Rea 1421 3/28/46 H tot 23, All Lots 24-27- Permit to Homer W. Brown to div into 3 par w/sing fam res on ea, Electric Avenue Res 1422 3/28/46 Lots 4,5- Permit to Ed & Phoebe Fackler to use for;-park & incidental use w/service sta to be erected in C Zone on Lots 2,3, E side La Jolla Blvd. Res 8386 7/21/54 I J Lots 6-8- Permit to Robt F. Baylis to const free-stand pole sign 16 1 hi x 12' wide, obs 12' BB for post & sign proj 6 1 into req BB, 5445 La Jolla Blvd. C-2541,~5~ 6/4/59. Lota 12-15- Permit to Sam Blasker, own, & Ray Berney, lea to coDStr sign per plans w/max ht 16' & max width 9 ', not flash, 5425 La Jolla Blvd. C-3037 1/8/60 /,Lot 5 to Ed & Phoebe Fackler, own, Texaco, Inc for dbl fac, light, nxmx sign on B side Lot 5 in 30' SB, replace sign perm by Res 8386, 5463 La Jolla Blvd, RC C-6982 2/26/65, Lota 12-15- DENIED to La Jolla Sands Mote, lea, Sam Blasker, own to maintain exis7t s7!gns, 5417 La Jolla Blvd C-7287 8 18 65