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Development Services

Beverly Subd. Block 9 Card 1

BEVERLY SUBD. BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif ' BEVERLY SUBDIVISIOO BLOCK 9 CARD #1. Lot 14- Permit to A. Lee & Elizabeth Miller to const 20 1 x 281 detached gar on a par with sing fam res; gar to obs 15 1 SB where the average of tne block is 18 1 and to erect approx 15 1 o'f solid fence ranging in height from O I to 5 1 obs O' SB where.;) 1 higr1 fence is perm in estab average SB of 18 1, at 5491 Lenox Dr. betw Winston Dr. & Beverly St., Zone R-2. Case No. 6687 8-21-64-------------------------Lot 4- Permit to Elmon & Delores Oliver to const sing ram res obs 28' SB at 5395 Lenox Dri, R-2 N.H. c-4588 11/27/61 Lot 16- BZA has over turned the decision of the ZA therefore PART'L APPROVAL has been given to KEN STEWART, by NEIL MOYER, owner; COBAR HOUSE, INC., LESSEE, to operate a res. care facility for a maximym of 10 persons, where use is permitted by CUP, at 1140 Beverly Street, Map 1129, Rl-6000 zone, w/cond. C-19572 amendment to the Reso 269316 9/22/87 Lot 16- ZA APPROVED with conditions theAConditional Use Permit sought by Ken Stewart, c/o Neil Moyer, owner; Cobar House Inc., Lessee, to operate a residential care facility for a maximum of 12 persons and to convert the garage into a recreational and office area (required parking spaces in garage to be relocated on site, located at 1140 Beverly St., Rl-6000 zone. C-19572 11-4-88