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Development Services

Bernardo Greens Unit #21 Map 6349 Card 1

BERNARDO GREENS UNIT #21 MAP 6349 CARD 1.tif BERNARDO GREDS tJRIT #21 J Map 6349 I,. I c.. -::, I /...j... t 7,; i CAllD #1 Lot 1729- AGREEMEBT#AC-3 to Avco Community Developers, Inc. to construct sales office building 011 Lot 1729 for a maximum period of two (2) years after recordation of map. Prior to sale of said property, the building on said lot shall be converted to sin:ram dwelling in conformity with regulations governing the R-1-5 zone. AC-3 2-12-70 Lots 1824-27 & 1729-34- Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc., as amended, to constr sin tam homes on Lots 1824-25, 1729-30,1732-34 to be used for a period of l yr as model home complex witn sales office in 1730; offstreet parking on 1826-27 with fences varying from 3' to 6 1 hi in req front yds; where model homes & temporary sales of~ice in conjunction with the sale within the subd is perm for a period of 2 yrs from the date the subd map is recorded; parking is accessory use to sin fam home & max 3' hi fences in req front yds i~s perm, on Fr9.ndoso ~- b~Flo~t., & G.reeQ.s East Rd., in the R-1.-5 zone, cond\1. t.3-:.:i.P-73)-. .R..-l~'-~5(,R,;;~-9888 Nll. 5-12-70 JJ-)ll;Gfi./?t. ~-~--.: 1:l..: Z:J..;f.:. Jf_ C!.:Zl_ ~A.: /:.?:..-.,?..J-~-~-(~--2.: 7...i.J. JL-t'f:.7.SJ Lot 17'79- Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc. to const a sin fam dwell obs an 18 1 rear yd where 20' is req, at 12427 Bodega Pl., end of cul-de-sac & Frondoso Dr., Zone R-1-5. Caself9945 N.H. 6-19-70 'Lot 1773- Permit to Avco Community Developers, Inc. to constr a sin fam dwell obs 16'4"- rear yd where 20' is req at 12~34 Bodega Ct., Wly of Frondosa Dr,, Zone R-1-5. / C-9989 NH 7-7-70