Berkely Heights Block 7
BERKELY HEIGHTS BLOCK 7.tif BERKELEY HEIGHTS BLOCI'. 7 Lots 3,4,5,- Permit to Faith A. Kraber to conv exist gar bldg w/2 1 side yd into 2 bdrms, S side Landis St., approx 65 1 E of 52nd. Res 7470 6-10-53 Lot 9 & Ely 27 1 Lot 8- Permit to Frank F. & Lottie L. Lynes to const res w/10 1 SB on 1 Landis & 0 1 SB on Ogden, Zone R-4 Res 8421 8-18-54 Lots 3,4,5,- Permit to Faith A. Kraber~o add to. & conv exist gar att to res to 3 bdrms & bath, maintain 2 1-11" side yd Res 8797 3-16-55-----------------------------''--=-"-'...C,...C'---------_.....,______ Lots 3,4,5- Permit to SAME to const gar & workshop w/5' SB on 09~en, 5215 Landis Res 8900 5-11-55 Lots 3,4,5-Assist ZA considered the request of Leo & Helen Levesque to (1) constr fourth unit on lot; unit to obs 6 1 front yard on Ogden St. where 15 1 is req (2) provide five off-street parking spaces where six are req (two- two bedroom, two- one bedroom) 5215 Landis St. betw 52nd St and Ogden St. Zone R-4 and has (1) APPROVED (2) DENIED as req C-12449 3-22-74