Bayview Tract Block 1
BAYVIEW TRACT BLOCK 1.tif BLOCK 1 \ o~ L I c. '2. \ 2 "1,o ~-ALL & SW1y 25' of Bly 125' of RWl.y 125' of P.L. 238- Permit tow. Arnet Speer to conatr service eta to extend onto CZone prop adj E Res 1318 1/31/46-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por tots 2,3,4 & Por P.L. 238- Permit to SAME to use por ot lots tor uaed car lot & park lot, lly cor Buell & Roaecrans Res. 2527 9/24/47 Lots l thru 6 exc RE 25' of IE 125'- Permit to const & oper 3-min auto waab, Rosecrans, 125' S of Midway Dr, Rea 5161 ll/29/50 SWly 80 ot BWl.y 207' as amend by court action, & P.L. 238- AMDD ABOVE Rea. 5170 12/11/50 Por l tbru 6 & por P.L. 238- Permit to Jes B. Poor, et al, & Midway Auto Laundry to constr 3-min auto wash bldg w/0' SB from Buel Res 5537 5/16/51 (!!, fr3 I