Bayview Homestead Block 17
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 17.tif-----.-..-----,.-)C)5" (., C, '> 'l- l,?(BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 17 " Lot 3 Hinck.- Erect & operate 14 unit apt house in Zone R-4; coverage 55%; Permit to C.A. Res. 66169 6-29-37 Lot 8- Setback suspended- R. D. Lane & J. W. Parkinson. Res. 34142 5-25-49 Lot 11- 12- Permit to Dr. Merle L. & Ida Yays McPherren to constr 7 unit apt w/garage, no setback, 2nd flr to have 6 1 setback; SW corner 10th & Date. Res. 4330 12-14-49 Lots 11- 12- Ida & Merle L. McPherren to alter 2nd & 3rd stories of exist 3 story apt house alteration to obs O' setback on 10th Ave (average of blk req)- SW corner 10th & Date, Zone R-4. Case No. 3097 2-12-60-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7-10- Permit to RONALD & MARY WEBER to constr & operate a 48-unit elderly housing facility on the W side of 10th Av. betwn Date St. & Cedar St., Zone R4. CUP 518-PC 6/26/78