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Development Services

Bay Terraces #2,Map 6660 Card 2

BAY TERRACES #2,MAP 6660 CARD 2.tif BAV TERRACES #2 1 Map 6660 L-, L. 1 -:, ~1 ~, 7 s--s- CARD #2 Lot 525- AGREEMENT to Fred Fennikoh to constr a rec rm addn w/bar sink to sin fam dwell, at 2758 Aristotle Dr., Zone R-1-5 AGREE #2244 2/11/77 (RANCHO DE LA NACION, QUARTER SECTIONS 74, 75, 82 & 83) Lot 522- Permit GRANTED to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TERRACES, INC. to construct and operate a 502 residential unit planned unit development located north of proposed South Bay Freeway on the extensions ~f ParksidF Avenue, Landscape Drive and Tonawanda Drive and Monos Drive, Zone R~l-5. ~~~I- \~-\ <\-7\ CUP 224-PC APPEALED BY MRS. HARLAN J. DWIERE- DENIED RES. 198834 2-12-70 ~-1'3- i-;7. '-I- '1 &' Lot 522- AGREEMENT with Martin and Karen Neeley to convert an existing garage attached to a two-story, single-family dwelling. Conversion consists of bedroom. storaee room, full bath with interior access via hallwav from familv/recreation room and exterior access through hallway, located at 2830 Allen Way, Rl-5000 zone. A-5024 06/18/91