Bay Terraces #1 Card 5
BAY TERRACES #1 CARD 5.tif CARO #5 Lots 487, and 488- Permit APPROVED by ZA to POINT LOMA PARrTNERS/ /WOODMAN VILLAGE, owner; SO-CAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., purchaser, to construct 176 units on Lots 1- 3 with access to required parking on lots across common driveway between Lots 2 and 3 where access to parking must be on the same Jot as the use, at southwest corner Woodman Avenue and Alta View Drive, Zone CA. Conditions. C-17134 3-13-81 Lot 490- Permit was considered by ZA to TREETOPS UNLIMITED, a joint venture of Pacific Scene, Inc. and Financial Scene, Inc. to construct a shopping center with five buildings containing 75,169 sq. ft. gross floor area, providing parking at a rate of one space for each 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area (301 spaces), where one space for each 200 sq. ft. (376 spaces) is required, at northeast corner Alta View Drive and Woodman Avenue, Zone CA. DECISION: DENIED as requested but APPROVED one parking space for each 217 sq. ft. of gross floor area, resulting in a maximum deficiency of 30 parking spaces. Conditions. C-17394 9-18-81,.Ag d, 3-.;z 5-g Z l llisn f &-ru d > 1-L- i:z.____ Lot 72- AGREEMENT with RAMON & AIDA FELIX to constr. bedroom with full bath & outside access to existing SFD at 6815 Ramfos Circle, zone Rl-5000. AGREE. #3311 6/11 /85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------