Balboa Vista Block B
BALBOA VISTA BLOCK B.tif BALBOA VISTA oo-z 1 4-Z.. (.' C.,;zc,c,-,1--v; BLOCK B- Lot 13- Permit to First Natl. Tr. & Savings Bank of S.D. to operate riding stable in R-1 Zone; 300' E of 54th St. for period of 1 yr. Res. 67166 2-8-38 Lot 3- Permit to Silas L. & Cora L. Taylor to constr single fam res w/43.6% coverage where 4o1, perm; Lot 3, Blk B, Balboa Vista; 2753 Blackton Dr, Zone R-1-5; GRANTED. Case No. 8826 8-8-68