Balboa Shopping Center Resub
BALBOA SHOPPING CENTER RESUB.tif ' Lots 17 & 18- Permit to American Housing Guild Sales Corp. to erect approx 1211' of temp 8' lli cllain link fence obs O' front yd on Balboa Arms Dr and O' interior side yards on botll sides wllere max 3' lligb fence is perm in req 15' front yd and max 6 1 nigb fence is perm in req ~ interior side yards, at 5402 Balboa Arms Dr betw Derrick Dr and Mt. ~~~~:~-~:~:--~~~~-~:::..:~~~:::_____________ ~::::~{LQ.=18=2.a.:_!k&~~~--------- Lot 5- Permit to California First Bank, Formerly Southern California First Bank, Tr., & National Fast Foods Inc., lessee, to erect a 38 sq. ft. ground identification sign 17'3" high on the same lot with an exs 44.4 sq. ft. menu board ground sign, res in 82.4 sq. ft. of ground signage,ai, and to relocate a 51 x5 1 sign now attached to the front of the bldg to the rear wall of the building; sign to obs a O' sb on Genesee Ave. 4295 Genesee Ave. C-AS Zone. C-14615. 10-3-77. Por Lot 14- Permit to Fiesta Apartments Partnership to constr 95' of 8 1 hi block wall & 12' of 8 1 hi block wall to obs a O' side yd and to constr 15' of 6 1 hi wood fence, at 5150 Balboa Arms Dr., Zone R-2. Conditions. C-15145 NH. 5/15/78-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 9- Planning Commission GRANTED CUP request of UNOCAL, A CALIFORNIA CORP. to amend the approved signage program of an existing CUP for a gasoline service station located on the north side of Balboa Avenue between Genessee Avenue and Mt. Abernathy St. CA Zone. Conditions. 85-0773 12/19/85-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------