Balboa Annex #2 Card 002
BALBOA ANNEX #2 CARD 002.tif.. ',--.--: I ':, BALBOA ANNEX NO. 2 e CARD NO. 2 Lot 3- ABOVE appealed & appeal DENIED; decision of Z.A. sustained & affirmed; exist 8 1 x 24' sign to be removed, effective immed. Case No. 5860 1-27-64 Lot 3- Request TABLED by Mid-City Hts, Inc, Owner, & J. Ralph Wieshehan, Lessee, to erect & maintain for period not to exceed l yr, l free-standing, directional, single- faced, 8 1 x 4 1 sign back of SB advertising "Colony West" homes for sale in new subdiv located on Cannington Dr approx l blk No of Balboa Ave, where limited signs attach to face of bldg req; Zone RC-lA, NE corner Balboa Ave & Mt. Abernathy Ave. Case No. 6221 10-7-64 Lot 2- Z.A, considered application of Humble Oil & Refining Co. to: C-7440- erect a 7 1 611 x 10' x 27 1 611 hi interior I ited, revolving ground sign w/pole encr 9 1 into req 10 1 landscape strip & w/5 area lights in req 10 1 landscape strip where no structure perm; & C-7441- constr auto service station w/pump canopies encr 5' into req 15 1 SB on Balboa Ave & Mt Abernathy Ave; to erect 20' hi revolving ground sign & 5 area lights 16' hi encr 14' into req 15' SB adj to all sts; SE corner Balboa Ave, Zone C-lA; and DENIED req as submitted, but APPROVED the area lights to be located w/in 10' landscape strip; APPROVED canopy encr 5' into req 15 1 SB on both sts; APPROVED 98" x 135" sign approx 28 1 hi encr 9' into req 14' SB provided no part of sign projects beyond the PL. Case Nos. 744D & 7441 11-29-65