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Avalon Heights Card 5

AVALON HEIGHTS CARD 5.tif AVALON HEIGHTS CARD.#2._ Lot 14- Permit was considered by ZA to THOMAS F. AND JUDITH J. CARTER to construct a two-story multi-room addition, to an existing single-family dwelling, with a portion of the addition to be one-story above an existing one-story attached garage; the building to observe a 2 1-011 street side yard on Summit Place where 10'-0" is required; and an architectural projection to observe a 0 1-011 street side yard and extend into theS public right-of-way where a 10 1-011 is required, located at 4310 Avalon Drive, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a two-story, multi-room addition to an existing single-family residence, observing a 2 1-0" street side yard on Summit Place, Conditions. C-18487 7-6-84 Lot 33- The City Council has granted a Hillside Review/Resource Protection Overlay Zone Permit to Mark and Anne Gehlman, owner/permittee, to construct a two story, 3791 sq. ft. single family home located on Arcadia Drive, Map No. 1600, in the Rl-5000 Zone. HR/RPOZ 88-1016 May 9, 1989 lot 40- PIANNING DIRECI'OR GRANTED a Hillside Review Pennit to SUSAN RAFFE to construct a b.u-story, single-family residence with a basenent, located on the north side of Arcadia Drive (4376 Arcadia Drive) in the Uptown camumity, Map 1453, Rl-5000 (HR OVerlay) Zone. HR #87-0635 8-5-88