Assessor's Map #27-A
ASSESSOR'S MAP #27-A.tif A~~S~OR1 1 H\' 110. 27-A t Arb. Lot 2K- Perr.iit to Ord and Marjorie E. Preston, Jr., to canst does not have st. frontage, but is served by 60 rt. easement to LJ sin ram res, said parcel Shores Dr., opposite 7/14/48 Calle Frescota Res 3274 Arb. Lot 2Kl- Fermi t to R. W. Perry, Jr., to const a sin st. frontage, but is served by 60 1 easement to LJ Shores Res 3275 f'llll res, said parcel does not have Dr., opposite Calle Frescota 7/14/48 Arb. 100 1 Lots 44B & 2H- por PL 1280 & 1281- Permit to x 150 1 & erect sin ram res on E side IJ Shores Res 4494 Albert A. & Ivy K. Mergens to split out Dr., 35 1 N of center line of Valleci tos 3/8/50 Rd