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Development Services

Amalfi Block 1 & Block 2

AMALFI BLOCK 1 & BLOCK 2.tif Mul--m:1tf" ,; ifu::l. ,... -~.. ~.... . ~, Lot 6., Variance to Ord, 13294 to allow a residence and apartment (servantsquarters) "- is DENIED to Peter VanWinkle, 1640 Torrey Pines lid. Res. 76280 Peb 24,1942---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blk 2 (por) Permit to Douglas McKellar to const sing &Im res on s. side '!ilrrey Pines M. at fJharlotte St. Res. No.6243 J-5-52-----------------------------------__________,...._.._ B lk 2 Por Permit to Mrs. Carmelite M. Kennddy to const! sing fam res on S side Torrey Pines Road at Charlotte-~- Res. No. 6919 10-29-52-~-------------------------------------------------------B lk 2, Por. \ob. E. Miller to const sin fam. res. on so. side Torrey Pines Rd., Charlotte st. on west. Zone R-1 Res 8435 8-18-54----------------------------------------- Blk 1 Lot 1, Permit t!o Josephs. and Mabel M. Wright to const res. with zero setback NE corner Torrey Pines Rd. & Coast Blvd., Zone R-1 Res. 8675 12-22-54--------------------------------------------- Blk 2--por- Ext. of 6 mo. granted to Roland w. Nicol (formerly to \ob. E Miller) to const sing fam res on S side of Torrey Pines Rd. (Res. 84J5ABOVE) Res. 8768 2-16-55-----------------------------------------~------Blk 2 Pemit to Roland W & Nicol to const res with? 1 6" SB on Amalfi, on the north side of Amalfi E of intersection of Torrey Pines Rd. Rex. No. 8075 8-J-55-------------------------------------------- Blk 1 Lots 8-11 incl.- A.GREEMENT #261 to Rebecca G. 'l. Rice to const a second kitchen in l!l sin fam dweP ing lJ/30/ 43---------------------------------------------- \