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Development Services

Alvarado Plaza #2

ALVARADO PLAZA #2.tif ALVARADO PLAZA UNIT NO. 2 00oCQcb7 Lot 3- Permit to San Diego Professional Association to erect oae double-faced, lighted, 17' x 101 x 40' high ground sign with one 2 1 x 121 rider attached, resulting in ground sign with approx 194 sq. rt. area where sign max of 25 1 x 5' attached to race of bldg only is perm at 6475 Alvarado Rd., approx 500' E11y or Alvarado Ct., Zone RC-lA. Amended 10-8-68 Case No. 8368 10-20-67 x;;;;-;-;-;;;-Po-;-;;-R~-;-M;;;1;;:-r;;-i-r:--;;~1i-;--;;;t;;;;1-c;~u;-;;1id-;;-c;;~~ Medical Growth Industries), as amended, to constr a complex of three office buildings on 3 separate, adjoining parcels providing a total of 227 Parking spaces on tne tnree parcels wbe~ 191 spaces are req (1) 30,000 gross sq. ft. bldg on Parcell providing 34 parking spaces where 75 are req (2) a 16,103 gross sq. ft. bldg on Parcel 2 providing O parking spaces wnere 41 are req (3) a 30,000 sq. ft. bldg on Parcel 3 providing 193 parking spaces where 75 are req., parking is req to be on tne same lot or parcel as the use is serves; at 6300 Alvarado Court, Sly of Interstate 8 and Alvarado Rd. Zones CO and CP. c-11223 5-25-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3 & Par 4 (PM 744) of Lot 4- Permit to Security First Real Estate Investment Trust, Owner and Christopher Sickels, Lessee, DENIED to constr 20,800 sq. ft. office bldg on lot with exist 32,600 sq. ft. office bldg and prov 39 add'I pkg spaces where 105 req for new bldg (exist bldg has 123 where 163 spaces req) & to prov access to pkg from Lot I & 4 where access must be on same lot as the use, 6475-6505 Alvarado Rd., Zone CN. C-13198 9-30-75