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Development Services

Alvarado Heights_Card_004

ALVARADO HEIGHTS_CARD_004.tif ALVARADO HEIGHTS i:;a I(, o'-\ &...L. 2. ' <,;.. \; ~ I Card #4 Lot 8- ZA DENIED as requested the amendment to CUP #17798 sought by Friends of Lubavitch, Inc. to operate a preschool and kindergarten through third grade for 80 children, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., but APPROVED as revised (1) to maintain three, temporary classroom trailers; (2) increased enrollment to a maximum of 210 children; (3)chanqe of hours from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; (4) to add grades four, five, and six; (5) to construct two classroom buildinqs, administrative offices, and assemblv hall; (6) to maintain six parking spaces observing 11'4" front vard where 15'0" is required; and DENIED increases to 300 children and RESCIND the previous approval to maintain 4'0" high fence observing a 0'0" front yard, with conditions. Amend. C-17798 2-5-89