Altadena Heights
ALTADENA HEIGHTS.tif ALTADENA HEIGH'IS Lot 5, and Lot l, Roberts Heights- Permit to c. H. & Mary Milne, owner and San Diego Tabernacle, Inc., purch to constr church plant on parcel where sin fam dwell on lot or pare of land of record at time of zoning is perm at 3547 Altadena Ave., 700 1 north of Loris St. Zone R-1. Cond'l. C-5953 9-30-63 Amendment- permit installation of the church parking lot on Lot 5, Altadena Hts. is APPROVED but appl to erect a 5' hi chain link fence in the 15' SB on Altadena Ave. is DENIED, Cond'L ~ 1,:;_-;?-~/, C-5953 9-15-72 Amended- 3-26-74 II-"f-1-5-73/_,, /o- ~ 'l- 7f"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 5 and Lot 1, Roberts Heights- Permit was considered by ZA to REVIVAL ASSEMBLY, INC., dba BIBLE MISSIONARY TEMPLE to construct a 585 seat sanctuary addition to existing church, at 3547 Altadena Avenue, Zone R-1-5, and DECISION: DENIED the request as submitted but APPROVED a modified request which would provide 1 parking space for every 4 seats in any portion used as the main sanctuary. Conditions.. / J1./c,/-~ Ci>-?-fia CUP 17093 3-6-81 BZA- Decision of ZA upheld. BOARD DENIED APPEAL. 4/17/81 EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 9-6-8_(5-10-83)