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Development Services

Altadena Block H

ALTADENA BLOCK H.tif ALTADENA 001t.,io'.:' L,l :L';, BLOCK H:. '!.., \ Lot 10- Condi permit to Elias D & Renee Gold to convert por of exist storerm under apt at 3133 Gregory St to sleeping rm & bath w/no side yd. Res. No. 887 3-29-45----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W 82 1 Lot l- Permit DENIED Roy R. & Katherine Anderson to convert exist garage & storerm to living quarters w/10" rear yd; 3241 Gregory St. Res. No. 6425 4-30-52----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- Elias Gold to convert por of exist storerm under apt into sleeping rm & bath w/no side yd. Agreement #350 4-2-45 Lot W 88 feet of Lot 2- Agreement with BARBARA J. BROWN-HERMSEN & EARL C. BROWN to construct a two-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling; said addition to consist of two bedrooms with full bath and second-story, family room with bar sink and interior and exterior accesses at 3233 Gregory Street, Zone Rl-5000. A-5548 3/30/93