Olga Golub
Chief Investigator
Before joining the San Diego Commission on Police Practices in 2023, Ms. Golub gained her expertise in civilian oversight at the New York Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB), an independent city agency overseeing the nation’s largest police force. During her nearly seven-year tenure at the CCRB, Ms. Golub worked as an Investigator of various seniority levels until she became an Investigative Manager, overseeing a team of investigators. As part of the CCRB, Ms. Golub conducted investigations into allegations of force, abuse of authority, discourtesy, offensive language, and sexual misconduct involving uniformed members of the New York City Police Department. Her work at the CCRB allowed her to understand the nuances of the community-police relationship in the nation’s largest city and obtain extensive knowledge in police practices. Ms. Golub worked on cases that included serious force incidents, complex legal matters, and high-profile cases that garnered national media attention or stemmed from mass protests, among others.
Ms. Golub also has a background in investigating sexual violence, sexual harassment, discrimination, and harassment based on protected bases for a major California university and consulting for an international organization focused on developing new strategies to combat transnational organized crime.
Ms. Golub holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and International Studies from the City College of New York at the City University of New York.
Contact: golubo@sandiego.gov