Resilient & Equitable City

Resilient & Equitable City Policies

Expand a policy to view related resilience and adaptation strategies and their implementation statuses.

Policy: Deepen community partnerships to support greater community involvement in resilience action and plan implementation.

Adaptation Strategy

Cultivate leadership and environmental stewardship in San Diego's youth. Consider partnerships with local schools and universities, and tribal organizations with active climate and resiliency programs, as well as focused internship programs and leadership opportunities.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Create principles for meaningful, equitable community engagement. Consider ways to remove barriers to participation.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Promote water conservation, water reuse and best management practices in local businesses and industry.

In Progress

Policy: Ensure vulnerable communities have resources necessary to respond to climate change impacts.

Adaptation Strategy

Support community-centered resilience action. Partner with community-based organizations to promote preparedness and response actions.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Develop resilience hubs in coordination with County of San Diego Public Health Department and community based organizations. Resiliency hubs can provide shelter, food distribution, healthcare, or other services as needed. Evaluate feasibility of solar microgrid battery backup implementation.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Coordinate with the County of San Diego Department of Public Health on Cool Zones program. Provide easily accessible locations, particularly in Communities of Concern. Expand access to Cool Zones, shade corridors, and the coast.

Not Yet Started

Adaptation Strategy

Explore opportunities for neighborhood microgrants to funds community-driven projects to enhance community resilience and foster community connections.

In Progress

Policy: Foster vibrant, healthy, and sustainable communities.

Adaptation Strategy

Support expansion and management of active transportation network. Provide safe, accessible active transportation infrastructure.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Explore opportunities and programs to increase access to healthy food markets, farmer's markets, and other local food networks, particularly for low income residents and families.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Increase access to parks and open space for all San Diegans. Increase overall shaded area at park spaces. Natural shade from trees shall be prioritized over artificial shade structures whenever feasible.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Incentivize installation of cool roofs and green roofs.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Utilize the Urban Heat Vulnerability Index to inform implementation of adaptation strategies to address extreme heat events and identify priority areas for cooling interventions.

In Progress

Policy: Prioritize resilience investments and implementation of strategies in Communities of Concern, as identified in the Climate Equity Index.

Adaptation Strategy

Ensure Capital Improvement Program integrates climate resilience and equity considerations into the budgeting and project selection process.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Utilize Climate Equity Fund and other funding sources to direct investments to resilience projects in Communities of Concern.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Work with Office of Race and Equity to ensure need and priorities of residents in Communities of Concern are reflected in plan implementation.

In Progress

Adaptation Strategy

Establish a community garden program to convert vacant lots, rooftops, or other available space to community gardens.

Not Yet Started

Adaptation Strategy

Develop an urban greening program to promote expanded green spaces in urban areas. The  program should facilitate greening of City buildings and encourage private development to include green features through policy development or incentive programs.

Not Yet Started

Adaptation Strategy

Collaborate with the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) to implement the Community Emissions Reduction Plan (CERP) and AB 617.

In Progress

Implementation Highlights

Youth taking part in an environmental working group

The City Planning Department engaged youth through multiple recent planning initiatives, aiming to support civic engagement opportunities and environmental stewardship. City Planning engaged with youth by hosting workshops at high schools to gather input to shape the Environmental Justice Element. City Planning also engaged with youth through workshops and pop-ups at youth-oriented events to gather input regarding recreational opportunities, access, safety, stormwater management, cultural diversity and park ecology to shape the Chollas Creek Watershed Regional Park Master Plan.

Illustration of a diverse group of people

City Planning continued to develop the Inclusive Engagement Guide. The Inclusive Public Engagement Guide will serve as the foundation for City employees to implement a meaningful public engagement program that provides guidelines for how City decisions consider input from community members representative of the population’s demographics so that these decisions ultimately improve San Diegans' quality of life.

The Inclusive Public Engagement Guide is part of Equity Forward which is a comprehensive approach to creating more equitable opportunities and investments in San Diego.

Cars and a bus sharing the road with a dedicated bike lane

Sustainability and Mobility Department released a draft of the Mobility Master Plan. The Mobility Master Plan is a comprehensive transportation planning effort to create a balanced, equitable and sustainable mobility system for the City of San Diego. It will combine community, mode and objective-specific planning into one comprehensive document to prioritize mobility projects and to identify programs that will have the largest benefit in our communities and on the environment. Additionally, the Mobility Master Plan will ensure that Citywide mobility initiatives support investments in areas with the greatest needs, promote Vision Zero, and advance the goals of the Climate Action Plan and the General Plan. The Mobility Master Plan will focus on projects, programs and actions that will help make walking/rolling, bicycling and using transit more convenient, efficient and affordable.

A bicyclist on a dedicated bike lane in downtown San Diego

The City continues to support the expansion and management of its active transportation network to provide safe, accessible options to walk/roll, bike or use transit. The City will continue to build out the active transportation network. In fiscal year 2024, the City improved 8,170 feet of sidewalk and 93 miles of bike lanes, including 33 miles of class IV and 60 miles of class II.

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