Uptown - North Park Construction Projects
The City of San Diego will be constructing numerous capital improvement projects to maintain, upgrade or replace public infrastructure and public service providing facilities within the communities of Uptown, North Park, Hillcrest, and Balboa Park in San Diego. These projects will be in construction simultaneously between early 2013 and mid-2018.
Combined, the Uptown-North Park construction projects include sewer and water replacement; facility upgrades; street striping and signal modifications; bridge reconstruction; curb ramp installation to facilitate access for persons with disabilities where required; bike lane; utilities undergrounding; and street resurfacing projects.
To view a larger or printable version of the map below, please download the Uptown - North Park Construction Projects Map (PDF)
Projects Background, Construction Schedules and Budgets
Please click on the project links below for up to date information about project scopes, budgets, and construction schedules.
Water and Sewer Replacement Improvement Projects
- Sewer &Water Group 761 (CC) - #B00080
- Sewer & Water Group 761 - #B00372
- Sewer Group 672A - #B00422
- Water Group Job 945 - #B11041
- Upas Street Pipeline Replacement - #S11022
- Pipeline Rehabilitation V-1 - #B13013
- Sewer Group 835 - #B13157
- Water Group Job 943 - #B11039
- Buchanan Canyon Sewer B (UP) - #B00429
- University Ave. Pipeline Cast Iron Replacement - #S11021
- Sewer & Water Group 701 (S) - #B00452
- Sewer & Water Group 701 (W)- #B00039
- Water Group 944 - #B11040
- 30th Street Pipeline Replacement - #S12010
- Pacific Beach Pipeline South (Water) - #S12015
- Pacific Beach Pipeline South (Sewer) - #B12117
Street & Resurfacing Improvement Projects
- FY13 Asphalt Overlay Group 2 - #B13045
- FY13 Asphalt Overlay Group 3 - #B13046
- FY14 Asphalt Overlay JOC Group 2 - #FY14-01 (.PDF)
- FY15 Asphalt Overlay Group 1 - #FY15-01 (.PDF)
- University Ave. Mobility Project - #S00915
- Georgia Street Bridge Improvements - #FY13-02 (.PDF)
- PCC Concrete Group 1 - #FY14-C1 (.PDF)
- PCC Street Panel Replacement 1 - #FY13-C1 (.PDF)
- Five Points Neighborhood Pedestrian Improvements - #S00988
- North Park/Main Street Sidewalk Improvements - #S10040
- Citywide Streetlights FY 2011 - #B11147
- Mission Hills Historic Street Lighting - #S11008
- Park/Cypress Pop Outs/Lighted Crosswalk - #B00994
- Howard Ave. - UU71 (.PDF)
Facility Upgrade Improvements
Contact Us
For questions or concerns about any project, call the Public Works Department construction project information line at (619) 533-4207, email engineering@sandiego.gov, or submit your inquiry online. Please reference the project name with each your inquiry.