The People’s Business – January 31, 2025
Monday’s San Diego City Council meeting features a discussion on the Affordable Housing Preservation Ordinance which aims to ensure housing opportunities for very low-, low-, and moderate-income households are not permanently removed from the housing stock. Councilmembers will also consider the Nakano Project a proposed development that would be in the Otay Mesa Community Plan.
From the Office of Council President Joe LaCava
City Council Meeting –February 3, 2025 – 10 a.m.
10 a.m. – Closed Session Public Comment, Closed Session – Agenda
2 p.m. – Discussion Items, Non-agenda Public Comment
Discussion Items
Item 200 - Affordable Housing Preservation Ordinance
In May of 2020, the San Diego Housing Commission published a report called “Preserving Affordable Housing in the City of San Diego.” In the years since, the report served as the basis for recommended implementation strategy with detailed policy adoptions.
The proposed local affordable housing preservation ordinance would expand on applicable state laws to preserve deed-restricted affordable housing and ensure housing opportunities for very low-, low-, and moderate-income households are not permanently removed from the housing stock.
This item requests that the Council amend the San Diego Municipal Code Chapter 9, Article 8 to adopt the proposed Affordable Housing Preservation Ordinance and determine that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.
Item 201 – Proposed Revisions to Council Policies 700-10, 700-12 and 700-32
The Economic Development Department’s Real Estate has received recommendations under several performance audits conducted by the Office of the City Auditor that recommend updates to real estate related City Council policies.
They include:
- Updates to rent subsidies to non-profit organizations
- Establishing clear roles and responsibilities for the City’s acquisition process
- Creation of a due diligence checklist and development of a strategic real estate plan for future office space usage
- Clarifying and improving practices related to lease management
This item would adopt revisions to the Council Policies.
Item 202 - Nakano Project – Project No. PRJ-1076302
This item would approve the resolution of application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the detachment of a 23.8-acre site currently within the City of Chula Vista and the annexation to the City of San Diego for the development of up to 221 dwelling units.
The item would also approve site development permits, easement vacations and City boundary ordinances among others requirements.
While the proposed subdivision would allow up to 221 multiple dwelling units, the applicant, Tri Pointe Homes IE-SD proposes to develop an up to 215 dwelling unit subdivision with an internal private street network, including 22 affordable homes, on the undeveloped site.
As part of the approvals with Chula Vista, the applicant is proposing a Tentative Map for 215 homes, including 61 detached condominiums, 84 duplexes, and 70 townhomes. The project incorporates several pocket parks and publicly accessible trail connections to the 3 Otay Valley Regional Park (OVRP) and includes several improvements, including parking, landscaping, drainage, stormwater infrastructure, and associated utilities.
Item 203- Appeal of 6850 Country Club Drive - Project No. PRJ-1063767
This item is an appeal of Planning Commission’s September 19, 2024, decision to approve the subdivision of one parcel to create eight new lots, including five residential lots, each with a new, single dwelling unit located at 6850 Country Club Drive in the La Jolla Community Plan.
The project is located on a 22.21-acre site and currently contains approximately 4.2 acres of previously developed land and 17.66 acres or conserved open space. Within the 4.2 acres of previously developed land, the project will subdivide 3.35 acres into six residential lots: five residential lots and one access and utility lot, which will also serve as the private road for the residential lots.
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