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City Council

The People's Business - February 15, 2022

We’re packing four committee meetings into this week before the President’s Day weekend.  Here’s a look at Wednesday’s meetings.  The Audit Committee will hear a report and recommendations on how the City manages its real estate portfolio and leases to third parties.  The Rules Committee will consider a proposal to change the email retention policy to five years.  Members will consider a ballot measure seeking independent legal counsel for the Office of the City Auditor. 



From the Office of Council President Sean Elo-Rivera Elo-Rivera



Audit Committee Meeting – Wednesday, February 16, 2022 – 9 a.m.

Audit Committee Meeting Agenda


MapItem 1 – Performance Audit of the City’s Lease Management and Renewal Processes – This item seeks the Audit Committee’s acceptance of the report and forwarding it to the City Council.  The Department of Real Estate and Airport Management manages the City‘s real estate portfolio, including the administration of more than 800 properties owned by the City that are leased to third parties.  These properties generate more than $80 million in income for the City each year.  The office of the City Auditor presents its report and recommendations.


Item 2 - City Auditor’s Annual Activities and Accomplishments Report for Calendar Year 2021 - The City Auditor’s Annual Activities and Accomplishments Report provides a summary of the Office of the City Auditor’s accomplishments for calendar year 2021, and highlights some of the significant reports issued.


Item 3 - City Auditor’s Monthly Activity Report – This Monthly Activity Report provides information on the Office of the City Auditor’s activities as of January 31, 2022.




Rules Committee Meeting – Wednesday, February 16, 2022 – 2 p.m.

Rules Committee Meeting Agenda


Discussion Agenda


City AuditorItem 1 - Further Consideration of a Proposed Ballot Measure for the November 2022 Election Concerning Amending the City Charter to Provide the Office of the City Auditor and the Audit Committee With Access to Independent Legal Counsel - Currently, the Office of the City Attorney advises both the Office of the City Auditor (OCA) and the City Officials whom the City Auditor is responsible for auditing or investigating.  To protect the independence of the OCA and best serve the public interest, the OCA proposed a ballot measure in January 2020 for a Charter amendment to is with access to independent legal counsel, and our proposal has been advanced by both the Audit Committee and the Rules Committee since that time.


Item 2 - Authorization to Implement a Five-Year Email System Retention Policy and to Adopt an Amendment to the Master Records Schedule – This action requests authorization to implement a five-year email system retention policy replacing the current email retention policy that maintains emails indefinitely. This action also requests adoption of an amendment to the Master Records Schedule to retain City records from email messages in a trusted system for ten years.


Information Agenda


Item 3 - Overview of Access and Transparency – The Office of the City Clerk provides an overview of access and transparency initiatives.


Item 4 - Presentation from the Funds Commission – Council Policy 000-26 – In accordance with Council Policy 000-26, the Funds Commission will provide an update to the Committee regarding the status of the funds being supervised by the Commission.


Item 5 - Informational Update on City's Office of Boards and Commissions - This item is to provide an informational update on the Office of Boards and Commissions, to include 2021 Office highlights and accomplishments, the Office’s 2021 year-end report, and an outline of the Office’s 2022 objectives.



To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions. 

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link). 

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