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City Council

The People's Business - February 11, 2022


Happy Friday to all!  We’re looking ahead to a very busy week with five committee meetings and two City Council Meetings.  Monday morning will start with the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee Meeting featuring updates from the county health officials, San Diego Fire-Rescue and the San Diego Convention Center.  The afternoon City Council meeting will feature two items which would adjust a variety of fees charged by the City. 


From the Office of Council President Sean Elo-Rivera  Elo-Rivera


COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee Meeting – February 14, 2022 – 9 a.m.

CR & R Committee Meeting Agenda


SDFD Vaccination


Item 1 – Information on COVID-19 Impacts to San Diego Fire-Rescue – The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department and regional partners have successfully used best practices to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This report will focus on isolation history, staffing, vaccination rates, hospital wait times, homeless response, response coordination, and financial impacts.





Item 2 – County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency Pandemic and Case Rate Update – Dr. Jennifer Tuteur with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency will provide an update on San Diego County COVID-19 case rates, vaccine rates and statistics, provide information on variants, booster effectiveness against hospitalization and death, status of FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization for vaccinations for children 6 months up to 5 years old, an outpatient therapeutics update, and any additional essential information.



SD Convention Center

Item 3 – The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the San Diego Convention Center – Rip Rippetoe, San Diego Convention Center President and CEO, will present pandemic impacts including the regional economic impact, emergency uses, budget and staffing.  He will also provide information on the outlook for convention business for years 2022 and 2023.




City Council Meeting – February 14, 2022 – 2 p.m.

Council Meeting Agenda


ParksItem 200 - Fiscal Year 2023 Parks and Recreation User Fee Revision - In January, a Parks and Recreation Fee Committee completed a review of all fees and provided recommendations for changes to the Fee Schedule. Changes include a complete restructuring of the Parks and Recreation Department (fee schedule to eliminate duplication of information, simplifying the fee structure, and implementing a new Opportunity Fund Fee applied to building and park facility rental/use. These recommendations also include a 10.8% increase for most fees reflecting an increase in the Consumer Price Index from 2015 to 2019.


Item 201 - Fiscal Year 2023 Comprehensive User Fee Analysis – Per City Council Policy, the City performs a comprehensive user fee study every three to five years.  The purpose of the study is to identify the cost of service for activities that charge user fees and to develop target cost recovery rates that could bring existing fees in-line with full or partial cost recovery.  The recommended action proposes additions and adjustments to the department’s user fees to recover costs in providing goods and services for a specific benefit, government service conferred, or privilege granted.


Item 202 - First Amendment to Agreement with Hurrell Cantrall LLP to Provide Continued As-Needed Legal Services as Panel Outside Counsel – The City of San Diego currently has an agreement with the law firm of Hurrell Cantrall LLP as one of the City’s retained counsel to provide legal services in the practice area of “Police Excessive Force/Misconduct Litigation”.   The City Attorney’s Office seeks approval to increase the total not-to-exceed amount to $550,000 from $250,000. The $300,000 increase is necessary to continue work the Law Firm is performing on behalf of the City, which involves defending the City and its officers in three actions involving alleged misconduct by San Diego Police Department officers.


Item 203 - Fiscal Year 2022 Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report - The purpose of the report is to provide the City Council and the public with an update of revenues and expenditures for funds with budgeted personnel expenditures.  The item would also approve any requested authorities and recommendations for appropriations that are outlined in the report.


Bridge SheltersItem S400 - Approve the Allocation of $3,522,776 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV2) for the Operation of the Bridge Shelters and Amend the City’s FY2020 Annual Action Plan – On October 13, 2020, the San Diego City Council unanimously approved the allocation of $22,796,116 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Solutions Grant to support eligible activities.  At that time, a balance of $3,552,776 in in grant funds remained unobligated.  Staff in the Economic Development Department proposes to allocate this remaining unobligated balance to the City’s operation of the Bridge Shelters.



To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link). 

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