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City Council

The People’s Business – March 15, 2022

Hopefully, four action-packed committee meetings will provide enough excitement before a two week legislative recess.  The City Council will take a two-week break and return for full City Council meeting on April 4, 2022.  The Audit Committee will hear an annual report on internal financial control.  The Rules Committee meeting will consider reforming the People’s Ordinance and creating an Energy Independence Fund.  The Environment Committee will consider items related to organic waste collection.



From the Office of Council President Sean Elo-Rivera  Elo-Rivera


Audit Committee Meeting – March 16, 2022 – 9 a.m.

Audit Committee Meeting Agenda


City Auditor

Item 1 - 2021 Annual Report on Internal Financial Control – This Annual Report on Internal Control is issued to achieve a high standard of quality in and efficacy of the City of San Diego’s financial reporting and disclosure practices.


Item 2 - The Office of the City Auditor’s Recommendation Follow-Up Report – The Office of the City Auditor’s Recommendation Follow-Up Report provides the status of open recommendations as of December 31, 2021. The intent of this report is to keep the Audit Committee informed about the implementation status of City Auditor recommendations.


Item 3 - City Auditor's Monthly Activity Report - This Monthly Activity Report provides information on the Office of the City Auditor’s activities as of February 28, 2022.  This includes any audit reports issued during the month of February 2022, the status and stage of current audit projects, and a list of planned audits that have not yet started



Rules Committee Meeting (Special) – March 16, 2022 – 1 p.m.

Special Rules Committee Meeting Agenda


Item 1 - Consideration of Ballot Measure Proposal for the November 2022 Election per Council Policy 000-21 - The proposal would move the Personnel Director and Personnel Department under the supervision of the Mayor.  The City’s Human Resources and Risk Management Departments are already under the supervision of the Mayor. These three departments, working together under a single appointing authority, would eliminate repetition in tasks and build efficiencies in the recruitment, employment, and retention of City employees.


BreezewayItem 2 - Initial consideration of a ballot measure for the November 2022 Election to amend San Diego Municipal Code Section 66.0127 regarding collection, transport, and disposal or recycling of refuse – Council President Elo-Rivera and Councilmember LaCava propose a ballot measure for the November 2022 election asking voters to amend the People’s Ordinance so it can provide San Diegans world-class services and implement responsible governance.  Known as the “People’s Ordinance”, it prohibits the City from charging for refuse collection as all other cities in the County do, results in limited collection services for trash, recycling, and organics, and confers an exclusive benefit onto only a subset of City residents.


Power Lines

Item 3 – Creation of an Energy Independence Fund – The creation of an Energy Independence Fund is intended to provide the City a mechanism for reducing and potentially eliminating its reliance on investor-owned utilities for gas and electric utility services.  The Fund would be funded annually by allocating portions of San Diego Gas & Electric’s Bid Amount payments.



Select Committee on San Diego Housing Commission Oversight and Reform - March 17, 2022 - 9 a.m.

Committee Meeting Agenda


housing-commission_logoItem 1 - 2022 Select Committee on San Diego Housing Commission Oversight and Reform Work Plan and Committee Priorities - This temporary standing committee was established by the San Diego City Council with specific tasks of providing oversight to the San Diego Housing Commission and considering reforms to the governance and structure of the Commission.  On March 4, 2022, Committee Chair Stephen Whitburn issued a memo requesting input on the 2022 Select Committee on San Diego Housing Commission Oversight and Reform Committee priorities to the members of the Committee. The 2022 Committee Work Plan is based on input received from Committee Members.





Environment Committee Meeting – March 17, 2022 – 1 p.m.

Environment Committee Meeting Agenda


FRED transport

Item 1 - Third amendment to an agreement between the City of San Diego and San Diego Free Ride, LLC and Tag-A-Long San Diego, LLC for a demand-response Downtown circulator shuttle and approving related funding - This item is to authorize a third amendment to the agreement with Circuit, formerly known as San Diego Free Ride, to extend services for one year for the Downtown operation of FRED, an on-demand circulator shuttle system.



Item 2 - Amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 6, Article 6, Divisions 1 and 7 for Senate Bill 1383 Organic Waste Requirements and related Solid Waste Management Franchise provisions – This action authorizes amendments to the Refuse Division and the City of San Diego Recycling Ordinance Division in the Municipal Code to include organic waste collection services and other requirements in accordance with State law (Senate Bill 1383).



Item 3 - Amendments to Non-exclusive Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreements – This action authorizes amendments to the Non-Exclusive Solid Waste Management Franchise Agreements for solid waste collection services provided in the City by private franchised haulers to include organic waste collection services and other requirements in accordance with State law (Senate Bill 1383), and to update other relevant sections of the Agreement.



Item 4 – Informational Update Regarding San Diego Community Power – This is an informational item to provide an update from San Diego Community Power including information on its initiation of residential service for City of San Diego customers in May 2022.


Item 5 - Progress Report on Energy Cooperation Agreement Implementation Plan with San Diego Gas & Electric - The City of San Diego and SDG&E are jointly developing an Implementation Plan in order to realize the goals and deliverables described in the Energy Cooperation Agreement.  The implementation plan will be regularly updated when new programs are identified and expanded throughout the terms of the Franchise.



To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions. 

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link). 

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