So far this year, due in large part to a barrage of unprecedented winter storms, San Diego has received more precipitation than Seattle. This, in combination with the cold weather, has greatly impacted our road conditions and the City’s ability to patch potholes and perform other road maintenance work. With dry season on the horizon, the City looks forward to deploying our crews that are on storm patrol back to pothole patching work.
When using Get It Done to report potholes, please focus on reporting individual potholes instead of requests for entire streets to be resurfaced...even if you’d like the whole street repaired. The City plans street resurfacing by taking a comprehensive look at every single street in San Diego to determine its condition. A full condition assessment is currently underway and scheduled for completion in late Summer/early Fall. The City uses this pavement condition assessment, in conjunction with other factors (like traffic volume, road type, maintenance history, other construction projects, funding, etc...), to determine which streets to prioritize next for a full repair.
Repairs are often grouped within a neighborhood to include streets that are in similar condition or performed after other projects, such as pipeline replacement. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes when deciding which roads get repaved and when. Fixing a single pothole in your neighborhood doesn’t take long-term planning. So, if you’d like a pothole patched more quickly, please be sure to complete all the optional Get It Done questions about that pothole so our teams can find it quickly and repair it.
See completed and planned street resurfacing projects: streets.sandiego.gov
Learn more about street resurfacing and pothole repair: www.sandiego.gov/pothole