Last month, Performance & Analytics’ director, Kirby Brady, spoke at the City Council Audit Committee regarding the Get It Done audit. Her comments largely reflected a commitment to continue improving Get it Done, in addition to highlighting the need to address customer experience more holistically across the City’s operations departments. The audit, completed by the Office of the City Auditor, proposed several recommendations to help improve residents’ access to City services.
Born from those recs, your Get It Done team is working hard to make improvements to the platform. Some of these upcoming changes include:
Displaying expected and targeted completion times when generating a report on web or mobile app.
Currently, residents can view average closure times in our “How long will it take” FAQ article. In the future, we plan to offer more information and transparency by posting live estimations at the time of reporting.
Target: Late-2023
Providing more status updates to improve transparency.
When you file a report, you currently receive an update at very specific points in the resolution process. In the future, we hope to provide more intermediary updates (without overwhelming your inbox).
Target: Mid-2023
Standardizing how City staff uses communication codes.
Communication codes are what City staff enter to provide an update on what has been done and/or why the report was closed. Each code corresponds with a specific message that will be shared publicly. We’re working to better train staff on selecting the right code to best communicate with you, our residents, what you need to know.
Target: Mid-2023
We thank the Office of the City Auditor for their work, findings, and recommendations, and we are excited to make these improvements in the year to come.
In addition to these takeaways from Audit Committee, the Performance and Analytics Department will be back in early 2023 to present a future roadmap of Get It Done to City Council. During this time, we look forward to sharing our vision for the future of City services!