We often are asked what it means when a report is listed as “closed” on Get It Done. It can mean a couple different things: that our City team has resolved the issue or that we have passed it along to the responsible party. If our City employees handled it, how can you be sure? Drum roll please…before and after photos!
The new edition of Get It Done allows users to upload up to three photos for each report they submit. These photos can help our team members better understand, locate, and resolve the issue at hand. For both graffiti reports and illegal dumping reports, our City crews upload photos taken after they handle the issue. Users – and community members – can check out these after photos to see just how well we got it done!
During the second half of 2020, graffiti reports were up more than 13% compared to the first half of the calendar year. Our Transportation Department’s six-person Graffiti Abatement Division has been working harder than ever to remove graffiti from our neighborhoods. To handle the increase in graffiti reports, the team is getting it done seven days a week.
Check out this July 21, 2021 report of graffiti on North Park’s Georgia Street Bridge as an example. A Get It Done user snapped a photo and submitted it in a report, which was routed to the Graffiti Abatement Division.

Five days later, our hardworking team removed the unsightly graffiti, snapped some after photos, and closed the report on Get It Done. The new photos were sent to the user who reported the graffiti and uploaded publicly on Get It Done for users to access.

Special thanks to our graffiti team for all they do for our neighborhoods. And thank you to YOU, our partners who report graffiti and help us take care of it. We appreciate you!