City Launches New Website to Share Information on Homelessness Programs & Services
July 2022

In 2021, Mayor Gloria created a new City department to prioritize efforts to address homelessness in San Diego. This month, the Homelessness Strategies and Solutions Department launched a new website to share information on those efforts and to offer resources to people experiencing homelessness in our communities. For the first time ever, the City of San Diego has one place for information on programs and services.
In the past, information on programs and services was hard to learn about and even harder to access. Helping people end their homelessness is a priority for Mayor Gloria, and this website is a huge step toward better access to information, resources, and assistance for San Diegans.
The new website hosts:
- Programs and services with descriptions of the programs, locations, hours of operation, rules at specific shelters, and other key information.
- Processes and parameters for the coordinated intake system, inclement weather shelter program, and encampment clean-up and abatements, among others.
- Data and reports produced by the department or other agencies related to City-funded programs and services. This section will have future improvements as the City develops more reporting on data and its efforts.
- Success stories about individuals who have used the City’s programs to end their homelessness. Through the help of service providers, each person featured has granted permission for their story to be told.
The Homelessness Strategies and Solutions Department works to prevent and end homelessness through person-centered, compassionate, and equitable services. Visit their website to learn more, and call 2-1-1 or visit for help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and in more than 200 languages.