R3.1 Inspection Checklist Address numbers visible from street F505.1 Minimum of two exits F1021.1Deadbolts must not be double-keyed F1008.1.9.3Non ambulatory egress F1014.1Bedridden clients have a direct exit to the outside F1014.1Doors to garage must be 20 minute fire rating or solid wood F703.1.2Remove obstructions including storage from path of egress F1030.3Maintain exit doors openable at all times F1008.1.9No storage in exits or exit enclosures (stairwells) F315.2.4A sign shall be provided on the door above and within 12? of time delay devices F1008.1.9.7Time delay devices may only be used with an automatic sprinkler system and automatic smoke detection system (exterior gates surrounding the property are excluded) F1008.1.9.7Security bars must be operable from the inside without a key or special knowledge F1029.4Security bars must have a release mechanism if there is no direct access to the outside from that room F1029.4 Smoke detectors must be on every floor and in every room except kitchens and bathrooms F907.2.11.2Automatic sprinkler system required for more than one Bedridden client and non ambulatory above the first floor F903.2.82A:10BC extinguisher F906.1Mounted 3'-5' above the floor F906.9In supplied hangers and brackets F906.7Travel distance no more than 75 feet F906.3.1Extinguishers must have California State Fire Marshal Tag and annual certification F906.2 Water heaters must be properly strapped F603.5.2Water heaters must be clear of combustibles F315.2Water heater's combustion chamber must have a cover F603.5.2Water heaters in garage must be 18" off the ground F603.5.2 Abatement of electrical hazards (catch-all code) F603.5.2 Cover plates for electrical boxes, conduit bodies, & on/off switches F605.6Electrical splices shall be done inside electrical boxes or conduit bodies F605.6 Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring F605.6 Extension cords shall not be affixed to structures; extended through walls, ceilings or floors F605.6 Services & Programs Home 9-1-1 Information CERT San Diego Procedures/Resources Photo Gallery Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Paramedic Program Project Heart Beat PulsePoint Resource Access Program Patient or Fire Victim Resources Lifesaving Intervention for Treatment