Field Operations

Employees in these positions work a 24-hour shift with at least one, and up to six days off between shifts. Employees work a 56-hour week insuring residents have protection 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Deputy Chief - Shift Commander
Each of the three shift commanders oversees all field operations during the course of their twenty-four hour shift. The shift commanders report to the Assistant Chief of Emergency Operations. - Battalion Chief
A Battalion Chief supervises a battalion of approximately 6 to 7 stations--35 to 40 firefighters-- and coordinates fire suppression activities within a designated geographical area. Battalion chiefs act as incident commanders at large scale incidents. The battalion chiefs report to the shift Commanders. - Captain
Under the direction of a battalion chief, the captain is in command of a station or a single fire company (a fire company is the crew of an individual piece of equipment such as a fire engine or a fire truck.) The captain is in charge of day-to-day activities at his or her station, which may include inspections, in-service training or community education events. At a fire, medical or other emergency the captain directs the operations of his or her crew. - Engineer
Under the direction of the captain, a fire engineer operates and maintains fire apparatus and associated equipment. Engineers are responsible for the safe delivery of fire crews to and from emergencies. - Firefighter
Under the direction of a captain, a firefighter performs routine station maintenance. At the scene of a fire, firefighters are directly responsible for rescue and extinguishment of the fire. At medical calls, which make up more than 80% of total responses, firefighters are directly involved in patient care. All uniformed members of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department are emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and at least one member of each crew is also a paramedic. - Fire Recruit
Fire Recruits attend a fire academy lasting approximately three months. During the academy, recruits learn fire, rescue and medical techniques. Upon completion of the academy, recruits are assigned to a fire station as probationary firefighters.