Volume II: Department Detail
Department Details
- Capital Outlay Fund
- City Attorney
- City Auditor
- City Clerk
- City Council
- City Planning
- City Treasurer
- Citywide Program Expenditures
- Communications
- Compliance
- Convention Center
- Cultural Affairs
- Department of Finance
- Department of Information Technology
- Development Services
- Economic Development
- Engineering and Capital Projects
- Environmental Services
- Ethics Commission
- Fire and Lifeguard Facilities Fund
- Fire-Rescue
- Gas Tax
- General Services
- Government Affairs
- Homelessness Strategies and Solutions
- Human Resources
- Infrastructure Fund
- Library
- Long Range Property Management Fund
- Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund
- Mission Bay Park Improvement Fund
- Mission Bay/Balboa Park Improvement Fund
- Office of Boards & Commissions
- Office of Emergency Services
- Office of the Chief Operating Officer
- Office of the Commission on Police Practices
- Office of the IBA
- Office of the Mayor
- Parks and Recreation
- Performance and Analytics
- Personnel
- Police
- Public Safety Services and Debt Service Fund
- Public Utilities
- Purchasing and Contracting
- Race and Equity
- Risk Management
- San Diego Regional Parks Improvement Fund
- Special Events and Filming
- Special Promotional Programs
- Storm Drain Fund
- Stormwater
- Strategic Capital Projects
- Sustainability and Mobility
- TransNet
- Transportation
- Zoological Exhibits Maintenance Fund