Round I Projects


PÁSALE PÁSALE: Immersive theatre and Social Justice

Social justice


Social justice and community engagement




Maria Patrice Amon

Maria Patrice Amon’s campaign, PÁSALE PÁSALE: Immersive Theatre and Social Justice, aims to increase civic engagement through theatrical performance. This campaign invites audiences to step up and engage with artists through scenes centering on the lives of swap meet vendors to introduce the decolonial SARP Methodology (Survival, Adaptation, Resistance, Persistence). The vendor characters will be residents of the South Bay and familiar with the region’s history, including The Lemon Grove Incident, the Founding of Chicano Park, and local activism. In the play, the swap meet property owner is increasing the stall fees for all sellers and exploiting the labor of the swap meet DJ. The community can offer a successful alternative to the property owner through community town halls, shared resistance, collective action, and voting procedures. By observing the characters' resistance to economic oppression, the performance will guide audience members to examine their relationships to community resources and civic engagement. The impacted audience will leave the show with a knowledge of civic engagement tools and an increased appreciation for the efficacy of community organizing in the lowest quartile California Health Places Index communities of National City.


Maria Patrice Amon

Maria Patrice Amon is a director, producer, scholar, and leader. Maria Patrice Amon is a director, producer, scholar, and leader. Directing: Hoops (Milwaukee Chamber Theatre), A Skeptic and a Bruja (Urbanite Theatre) Group! The Musical (Passage Theatre) Hoopla! (La Jolla Playhouse POP Tour) Azul (Diversionary Theatre), Mojada (UCSD),  A Zoom of One's Own (CSUSM), Ich Bin Ein Berliner (Theatre Lab) DREAM HOU$E (CSUSM/TuYo Theatre) Fade (Moxie Theatre), The Madres (Moxie Theatre), Lydia (Brown Bag Theatre Company). Dramaturg: Manifest Destinitis (San Diego Rep), Beachtown (San Diego Rep). Patrice was a 2020 National Directing Fellow and an Associate Artistic Director at San Diego Repertory Theatre. She is currently a Latinx Theatre Commons Steering Committee member and a National New Play Network board member. Patrice is an assistant professor at California State University, San Marcos.

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