Round I Projects
Porque Nosotros? / Why Us?
Porque Nosotros? / Why Us? is a call to action campaign demanding accountability from the National Steel & Shipbuilding Company, the Port of San Diego, the Navy, and the federal government about the toxic pollution caused by the naval shipyards and their impact on public health within the communities of Barrio Logan and National City; educates the public on environmental racism and intersectionality between struggles against environmental racism and impunity of militarism in San Diego; inform the public on the ecological health impacts caused by fumes and gases that are released into the nearby environments of Barrio Logan and National City by shipyard activities like welding and painting of navy ships, including information on portside emissions like PM2.5 (particulate matter from various metals), carbon monoxides, ozone, nitrous gases and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which cause cancer and other neurological and pulmonary problems.