Round I Projects


Children's Alzheimer's Reading Education (C.A.R.E.)

Public health


Public health to stop the spread of COVID-19 and associated diseases or health disparities


Elsa Alvarez

Children’s Alzheimer's Reading Education (C.A.R.E.) is a multi-faceted campaign to raise awareness of the pandemic's effect on vulnerable populations in Imperial County. This campaign recognizes the emotional, psychological, and practical challenges faced by children, grandchildren, spouses, and caregivers of those living with such illnesses. CARE aims to support the education and engagement of the youth and provides the information to recognize and address these disparities and the unique challenges faced by individuals living with Alzheimer's Disease during the pandemic in Imperial County.  Online and in-person approaches will maximize reach and engagement, including social media, webinars, local workshops, support group meetings, and material distribution at local schools, libraries, and community centers. By addressing possible adverse childhood experiences associated with these conditions and providing positive empowering tools and existing resources through a children's interactive narrative coloring book for the youth, the campaign seeks to inform and improve the well-being of affected families and communities, ultimately contributing to a healthier, more resilient society.


Elsa Alvarez

Elsa Alvarez

As an Imperial County artist for 30 years, Elsa Alvarez has utilized oil, acrylics, and mixed mediums to produce realistic art paintings highly influenced by her community and culture. She was born in Mexicali, Mexico, and later moved to the Imperial Valley with her family as a child, becoming an American citizen. While growing up in the county, Alvarez participated in art competitions and exhibits, the most recent of which included the Imperial Valley Palate, Palette & Pallet (P3), a popular fundraiser held by the Imperial Valley Food Bank. Alvarez is excited to transform her artistry into a public awareness campaign highlighting crucial community issues. For the last 15 years, Alvarez has become a knowledgeable Alzheimer's Disease caregiver for her mother. This essential work has influenced her future projects to highlight the complex nature of this disease and its impact on the community.

See All Round I Projects