Round I Projects


Rehearsing the Peace

Civic engagement


Civic engagement, including election participation


92113, 92105, 92114


Bernardo Mazón Daher

Rehearsing the Peace’s objective is to enhance efforts to attract communities into conversations about legislation and voter-based initiatives, provide space for people to practice thinking critically and creatively about solutions to injustice, and build political momentum in the California Healthy Places Index communities of Barrio Logan, City Heights, and Southeast San Diego. The campaign design provides opportunities to assemble constituents for public performances and forums where the Legislative Theatre will occur. The methodology of Legislative Theatre is first to dramatize and encapsulate issues of oppression and injustice for constituents. Afterward, the audience converses with the artists, advocates, and experts who created the play to share perspectives. This phase helps to demystify how governments, electoral politics, and movements operate. Audiences are encouraged to propose changes in legislation they wish to see. Then, scenes from the drama are reenacted, with spectators intervening and stepping onstage to act out the solutions they suggested. Finally, the events end with a poll on what the community thinks regarding those proposals and a plan to implement them. This campaign aims to foster a fully participating voter culture, strengthen networks, and galvanize neighbors into taking action long-term.


Bernardo Mazón Daher

"Bernardo Mazón Daher is a border brat from the San Diego South Bay. He has taught and worked in the arts nationwide for premier, prestigious companies and on grassroots, community-based projects. Mazón Daher has also organized public health causes and voting campaigns in Hispanic communities throughout California. Before the pandemic, he served as a medical disaster responder for multiple governments and agencies and, afterward, worked in a pro bono law office for immigrants and refugees from the Middle East and Latin America. Returning to his calling to engage people in civic action, among other creative projects, Mazón Daher recently wrote and performed “Taxilandia: San Diego” to motivate people to support local causes. He is an all-around story-focused advocate and seeks to create spaces where different peoples intersect to listen, learn, labor, love, and play together.

See All Round I Projects