
The eighth-largest city in the United States, the City of San Diego has 1.4 million residents, a diverse population, the nation's largest military community and a talented workforce.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau's QuickFacts Population Estimates (July 2017), the City of San Diego has a population of 1.419,516 people, with 490,219 households. Nearly 21 percent (20.7 percent) of the population is under 18, and 11.8 percent is age 65 and older. Also, 49.8 percent is female, 30.3 percent is Hispanic and 43.6 percent (of persons age 25 or older) possess a bachelor's degree or higher. The national average for this level of educational attainment is 30.3 percent.
Because of its proximity to Mexico and the global recruitment capabilities of its innovation economy, the San Diego region is becoming increasingly multicultural, making the City is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse places in the nation. Nearly 41 percent (40.8%) of the population, ages 5 or older, speaks a language other than English at home. (That's nearly double the national average of 21.1percent). The percentage of foreign-born persons is 26.5 percent, more than double the U.S. percentage (13.2 percent).
The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) provides regional population data, estimates and forecasts. By 2020, the City's population is forecast to be 1.54 million, with 3.54 million people in the entire county. By 2030, the City's population is forecast to be 1.69 million, with 3.54 million people in the county. By 2040, the City's population is forecast to be 1.82 million, with 4.16 million people in the county. By 2050, the City's population is forecast to be 1.95 million, with 4.38 million people in the county. The City of San Diego is a member of SANDAG.
The City of San Diego uses a number of U.S. Census-based sources for demographic estimates, among them esri. Download a 2017 esri report for the City of San Diego.
For questions or more information, call 619-236-6700 or email sdbusiness@sandiego.gov