Housing Activities

The Economic Development Department manages or administers various housing activity programs. Please visit some of the other City departments and the San Diego Housing Commission for more housing opportunities.
Bridge to Home
The Bridge to Home program provides gap financing to qualified developers. Funding is provided through a rolling Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
In the last round of Bridge to Home approved funding in November 2023, five affordable affordable housing projects were recommended to receive over $15 million dollars for 400 new affordable housing units.
Fair Housing
The City ensures Fair Housing is promoted throughout the City with a variety of resources. If someone believes they have been denied housing because of possible discrimination, please contact the Fair Housing Hotline at 1-944-449-3500 or visit the Fair Housing webpage for more information.
In FY 2023, over 100 investigations were resolved and 54 fair housing training courses were conducted with over 600 attendees.
Affordable Housing Master Plan
The Affordable Housing Master Plan (AHMP) was developed to provide a framework for the City's post dissolution of former Redevelopment Housing assets and leverages those assets to the City of San Diego. The most recent AHMP was approved by City Council in October 2023.
Since 2012, $233 million has been invested for over 4,000 affordable housing units.
Surplus Land (Housing Assets)
The Surplus Land Act (SLA) states jurisdictions must attempt to sell or dispose of properties as housing with a minimum of 25% dedicated to affordable housing. Current and past Successor Agency housing assets made available through the SLA process can viewed here. Please note, the Real Estate section of the Economic Development Department will also make properties available through the SLA process, and those can be viewed here.
HOME Program
Administered by the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC), the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) provides funding for the following activities: construction of affordable housing, acquisition and rehabilitation of affordable housing, and first-time homebuyer down-payment assistance and counseling. HOME funds are primarily combined with other funding sources as part of the SDHC's Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA); please visit their webpage for more information.
For FY 2023, 587 affordable rental units were constructed with 80 units funded by the HOME program.