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Pueblo Land Abstract

Abstract of Titles of the Pueblo Lands of San Diego

These four volumes entitled Abstracts of Pueblo Lands contain a full abstract of all conveyances and encumbrances of record affecting the interest of the City of San Diego in the Pueblo Lands as of 1888. They were certified on June 1, 1888, by The San Diego Abstract Company through William T. Kearns after a careful examination of the Records and files in the Offices of the County Clerk and County Recorder of San Diego County.

Volume I

Patent from the United States to The President and Trustees of the City of San Diego,
their heirs and assigns, conveying the Pueblo Lands of San Diego, containing 47.323 acres of
land and designated on the Map of Public Surveys, as: Lot Nos. 37 and 38, Townships 14-17,.
Signed and sealed by President of the United States, U. S. Grant. Recorded in Volume 8, pp
532 -544 inclusive, General Land Office. Filed and recorded on June 17, 1874, in Book One of
Patents, pp. 190-201 by the County Recorder, A. S. Grant.

Deeds recording transfers of Pueblo Lands from the Town of San Diego, including
Petitions and Grants of Land in Spanish dating back to 1844, to historical figures as well as the
Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Most of the deeds are dated in the late 1840s and the early 1850s.

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Volume II

More Deeds recording transfer and sale of Pueblo Lands from the Town and later the City of San Diego to individuals dating from 1849-1869. Includes April 22, 1852 notification from General Land Office, Surveyor General, California stating that Secretary of the Interior has selected land on the San Diego Harbor (Punta de Loma and Punta de Gauanos) for military purposes; signed by I. Butterfield, Commissioner CC War Department and signed and approved by President Millard Fillmore on February 26, 1852.

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Volume III

More Deeds recording transfer and sale of Pueblo Lands by the City of San Diego dating from 1850 - 1887, including an Indenture dated April of 1874, by and between the City of San Diego and A. E. Horton (pg. 169); and agreements, including one with Bryant Howard et al., Trustees, regarding property situated in the tract of land known as City Park, filed for record December 8, 1887.

Page 198 switches to “Conveyances of the Tide and Overflowed Lands adopted by the City Trustees on March 11, 1871 using the Pascoe Official Map.” Deeds date from 1870-1872..

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Volume IV

Judgments and Lis Pendens regarding claims about Pueblo Lands brought in both District and Superior Court. Pages 2 - 13 are those where City Trustees brought the action (where they are the Plaintiffs) and Pages 14-106 are those where they are the defendants. Actions date from 1859-1882.

“Conveyances to the City Trustees” involving Pueblo Lands , including some condemnation and foreclosure actions, begin at pg. 108 and date from 1850 to 1887.

“Leases and Contracts” regarding Pueblo Lands in the City of San Diego begin on pg. 128 and Include a contract dated 1873 between the City and the San Diego Water Company, a lease by the City to Mitchell & Jens for property on Bayfront on Atlantic Street for use as a bathhouse, and an 1887 agreement to lease to the City property in Horton’s Addition for $25 in gold coin per month. The 1888 certification of the four volume set by The San Diego Abstract Company is the last entry.

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