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USS Bennington Disaster


The boiler explosion on the USS Bennington occurred on July 21, 1905. The USS Bennington was a United States Navy gunboat stationed in San Diego during that time. The explosion was caused by a rupture in one of the ship's boilers, which released a massive amount of steam and scalding water. The force of the explosion caused widespread damage and resulted in the loss of 66 crew members' lives, with many others suffering injuries. The incident was one of the worst peacetime naval disasters in the history of the United States Navy up to that point. The USS Bennington explosion led to increased attention to boiler safety and maintenance in the U.S. Navy, as well as improvements in training and safety protocols.


1. Photographs:

USS Bennington Postcard

2. Documents:

3. Additional Resources:

For Middle & High School Students:


    1.  Analyze a Photograph          2.  Analyze a Document

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will understand the historical context of the USS Bennington and its importance.
  • Students will learn about the boiler explosion on the USS Bennington and its impact.
  • Students will analyze the causes and consequences of the explosion.

Lesson Preparation:

Pictures or Videos of the USS Bennington

Lesson Procedure:

  • Step 1: Opening Discussion: Begin by asking students if they've ever heard about naval disasters or accidents. Share that today, they will learn about an important incident in naval history.
  • Step 2: Historical Context: Provide a brief overview of the USS Bennington, its role, and its significance in the early 20th century. Explain that the USS Bennington was a gunboat stationed in San Diego. (Recommended Resource)
  • Step 3: Introduction: Show a video or documentary clip about the USS Bennington explosion to visually engage the students. Explain the events of the USS Bennington boiler explosion in detail, emphasizing the date, location, and the loss of life. (Recommended Resource)
  • Step 4: Group Discussion: Discuss the possible causes of the explosion (e.g., boiler maintenance issues) and its consequences (increased safety measures in the Navy). Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts


Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of historical lessons in engineering and safety. Encourage students to think critically about how lessons from the past can be applied to contemporary issues in technology and engineering.