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The Great White Fleet

The Great White Fleet

The Great White Fleet was a historic and iconic naval expedition undertaken by the United States in the early 20th century. This formidable fleet, officially known as the "United States Atlantic Fleet," consisted of 16 modern battleships painted in a dazzling white color scheme. The fleet embarked on a global circumnavigation journey from 1907 to 1909, during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. The primary purpose of this voyage was to showcase American naval power, promote diplomacy, and assert the United States as a major world naval force. On April 14, 1908, the fleet anchored off the Hotel del Coronado and spent four days in San Diego. Thousands of sailors and marines took part in a parade through San Diego's streets. The Great White Fleet's journey had significant diplomatic and political implications, as it helped to strengthen America's position on the world stage and foster goodwill with various nations. 


1. Photographs:

The Great White FleetThe Great White Fleet
The Great White Fleet 
The Great White Fleet
The Great White Fleet
The Great White Fleet
The Great White Fleet

2. Documents:

3. Additional Resources:

For Middle & High School Students:


    1.  Analyze a Photograph          2.  Analyze a Document

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Understand the historical context and significance of the Great White Fleet expedition.
  2. Analyze the impact of the voyage on American diplomacy.
  3. Examine the role of the Great White Fleet in shaping the United States as a global naval power.

Lesson Preparation:

Documents, Pictures, Newspaper or Videos of the Great White Fleet

Lesson Procedure:

  • Step 1: Introduction and Historical Context

-Show images of the Great White Fleet and provide an overview of the historical context leading to the Great White Fleet expedition.
-Discuss the state of the U.S. Navy at the time and its goals.

  • Step 2: Guided Discussion

-Facilitate a discussion on the impact of the Great White Fleet on American foreign policy and diplomacy.
-Discuss how the expedition helped shape the United States as a global naval power.

  • Step 3: Mapping Activity

-Provide maps of the Great White Fleet's voyage and ask students to trace its route.
-Encourage students to identify key destinations and understand the importance of the Port of San Diego.

  • Step 4: Research Essay

Require students to explore in-depth one aspect of the Great White Fleet, such as its impact on American foreign policy, its cultural significance, or its legacy.


Students should have a comprehensive understanding of the Great White Fleet, its historical context, and its impact on American diplomacy. It bolstered America's global standing, enhanced diplomatic ties with allies, and set the stage for future American foreign policy initiatives.