March 4, 1873, Ordinance No. 30, Section 3
“Whenever the marshal of the City shall discover, or be notified by any person therein, that any animals, above enumerated are running at large in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, it shall be his duty immediately to cause them to be taken in charge and placed in the City Pound, and within twenty four hours thereafter to cause three notices to be posted in public places in said City, one of which shall be put up at the Post Office door therein, describing said animal so impounded, generally, giving the marks and brands found upon any such animal, if any there be, with the date of the posting of such notices.”
Ordinances 1 - 50 (May 18, 1872 - November 17, 1873)
Bum the Dog

Story has it that Bum was originally born in San Francisco on July 3rd, 1886. Bum ventured off from his native soil and embarked on a new journey, hitched a ride on a steamship from the Sonoma County to the ports of San Diego.
Bum docked on all four-legs in our City and was initially cared for by our local City fire stations, Chinese butchers fed him and ensured he never went hungry and our local doctors made sure he was nursed back to health when Bum’s right paw needed amputation after a battle with a bull dog on a rail tract. Rumor has it that Bum was at one point addicted to libations such as beer and whiskey and grew quite fond of certain spirits after being involuntary introduced.
Bum eventually cleaned up his life with the aid of Ah Wo Sue and never drank again. He was loved by everyone in the community and taking care of him was a collective effort from the old to the young. At only eleven years old, Bum passed away in 1897. Bum never belonged to anyone specifically, instead, he belonged to everyone in our City. One hundred and thirty-six years later, the beloved Bum the Dog continues to be revered by citizens as the bronze statue of the well-loved St. Bernard-spaniel mix remains at the Gaslamp Quarter Historical Foundation.
View Resolution Declaring June 30 through July 6, 1986 as "Bum Week"
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