Alonzo Erastus Horton 1813 - 1909

Alonzo E. Horton, circa 1870
Alonzo Erastus Horton was an integral part to San Diego, past and present. He was a world renowned Real Estate Developer 1813 through 1909 that epitomized the "New Town," San Diego.
Alonzo, originally from Connecticut and made California his home in 1851, he thought San Diego to be "The healthiest spot in the world," along with the "Best Harbors in the World." He eventually earned a name for himself as the "Father of San Diego." Horton also believed that a fine city such as San Diego should have a park for its patrons, soon after the 1400 acre-tract of nine City Pueblo Lots was established and named "City Park" in May of 1868. In 1913, 1400 Acre City Park was renamed to Balboa Park.
Horton Grand Hotel
Checks from the City Treasurer to A. E. Horton August 1874 - October 1875
Lease from A. E. Horton to the City of San Diego
Petition from A. E. Horton
Construct and Maintain Wharf and Pier in San Diego
13_December_1887_Application_of_A. E._Horton_Authority_to_Construct_Wharf_and Pier
Petition from A. E. Horton for Improvement Plaza
Mayor Names A. E. Horton as Cemetery Commissioner
4 May 1896 Message from the Mayor A. E. Horton Cemetery Commissioner