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Development Services

Small Business and Restaurant Assistance Program

ABC Zoning Affidavits Now Processed Online! Meetings with staff are not required to process your Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Zoning Affidavit. You must process your ABC Zoning Affidavit online.   


The Development Services Department's Small Business and Restaurant Assistance Program provides dedicated resources and information to help qualified small businesses and restaurants citywide recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic and support economic recovery.

The services are designed to help qualified small businesses and restaurants with their planning and permitting needs, making it faster and easier to get the permitting, construction and inspection help they need for a speedy recovery.

Qualifying Small Businesses

All new construction projects for small businesses (25 or fewer employees) that are located in the City of San Diego, have a valid business tax certificate and operate in the following industries qualify:

  • Home offices and businesses
  • Catering facilities
  • Retail shops
  • Hair salons, barbershops, nail salons and spas
  • Fitness centers and instructional studios
  • Breweries, distilleries and wineries
  • Entertainment and music venues
  • Restaurants, tasting rooms and bars*
    *These small businesses are exempted from the 25 or fewer employee maximum.

Program Exclusions

National franchises, office buildings, residential rental buildings (apartments), churches and other religious institutions are not eligible.

How to Get Started?

Book an appointment to meet virtually with a representative to address your questions and review your project ideas before applying for a permit or submitting for a new permit.

Additional Resources

  • Ask a CASp: If you have a question concerning the application of the State of California accessibility standards to a specific built environment, space, a building, or just simply want to know how the City will interpret an accessibility provision of the California Building Code, ask a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) City official for an answer.
  • Business Resource Matcher: Here, you can conduct a search for different resources, such as rebates, loans, tax credits and other online tools that are available for your business.
  • California Business Incentives Gateway: Search all state and local business development incentives in this single access point. Provided by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), this resource allows you to search for targeted tax breaks, training grants, fee waivers, permit assistance, low-cost or tax-exempt financing, reduced utility rates and other online resources.
  • Small Business Relief Fund: Learn about the City of San Diego Small Business Relief Fund and other steps the City of San Diego is taking in consultation with—and at the direction of—County of San Diego public health officials to help businesses affected by COVID-19.
  • San Diego's Startup Ecosystem: Explore local startup incubators, accelerators and coworking spaces and where to find them in the City of San Diego.

Program Statistics



Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I submit a permit?

Small business projects require a building permit and must be submitted electronically through the Accela online portal. In the application, under record type select building construction and select request for Project Manager. Please add “Small Business” to the name of DPM approved for Project Management.

Can I join the program if my project is in the middle of review?

Yes, your project can be added to our program even if it is in midflight of review or at issuance stage. We are here to assist at any stage of your project’s development and future efforts. Schedule a virtual appointment to get your manager assigned.

What other resources are available to assist me with my project?

How does the program help my project?

Our dedicated Active Project Management team can assist you with projects from preselection, project setup, in-review project coordination, issuance and through to inspection completion.

How long do the average permits take?

Depending on the project scope, scale, and quality of submission we have a full range of timelines. The average project takes around 2 months from start to finish but could be faster or longer depending on responsiveness to comments. Here is a great resource with daily updated data related to “Permit Processing Timeline”.

Can DSD help with inspections on my small business or restaurant?

Yes, please reach out to our dedicated team of inspection project managers to get assistance via email:

Do I need to be in the program to receive assistance?

We provide a no cost virtual appointment for any small business or restaurant to help troubleshoot issues with your project. If you would like to be added into the program, we would assign a project manager with their hourly rates of time spent on the project phases which will be due at issuance. If you decide not to utilize the program we also provide no cost setup virtual appointments and issuance virtual appointments as well as “Contacts”.

How much faster can being in the program allow?

Our team is able to shorten the setup and issuance timelines by at least 20 business days which is nearly one and a half months of time saved in addition helping resolve issues during the review which can be costly and difficult to navigate without support.

How long do the average permits take?

Depending on the scope, scale and quality of the submission of your project it can take as little as 2 months for a full package to be approved but in most cases 3-6 months would be a conservative assumption. This could be faster or longer depending on many factors. A great resource for assessment of projects is our “Permit Processing Timeline” page that is updated daily.

How can I better understand the fees required?

You can use our “Fees” webpage for more direction.

What happens if my project needs a discretionary permit?

You will use the “Discretionary Permit” page to initiate this application and an additional Project Manager will be assigned to your new project application.