Affordable Housing Requirements and Expedite Program

The City of San Diego provides programs and incentives to increase the supply of affordable housing. Following are code sections, Council Policies, Information Bulletins, applications, links and other information regarding the City's affordable housing requirements.
- The Affordable, In-Fill Housing and Sustainable Buildings Expedite Program, Information Bulletin 538
This Information Bulletin provides basic information regarding the Affordable/In- Fill Housing and Sustainable Buildings Expedite Program. - Affordable and Sustainable Development, Council Policy 600-27
This Policy describes expediting the development review process, defines those projects that qualify for expedited permit processing, and prioritizes projects in the event the expedite program's carrying capacity is exceeded. - Affordable Housing Requirements Checklist (DS-530)
This form is required to be completed and submitted for all new residential development of two or more units, for the purposes of implementing the City's Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements. - Affordable, In-Fill Housing and Sustainable Buildings Expedite Program (DS-531)
This form is required to be completed and submitted by those applicants electing to enter into the Affordable, In-Fill Housing and Sustainable Buildings Expedite Program. - The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
Land Development Code Section 142.1301 describes the City of San Diego's affordable housing requirements. - The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, Information Bulletin 532
This Information Bulletin provides basic information regarding the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. - Deviations for Affordable/In-Fill Housing Projects
Land Development Code Section 143.0920 allows affordable/in-fill housing projects to deviate from the development regulations of the Land Development Code through a Process Two Neighborhood Development Permit. - Timeframe- Standard vs Expedite Processing
This chart compares standard discretionary and expedited discretionary permit processing goals. The chart reflects how projects processed with expedited discretionary permit processing typically take about half the amount days to process than projects using the standard process.