Simple Permits
Homeowners, property owners and licensed contractors can now obtain a no-plan Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Permit, called a "Simple Permit," for minor installations in single-dwelling units, duplexes or townhouses located outside of historic districts or in non-historically designated properties only, including:
- Installations of forced air units (FAU) or air conditioner units (A/C)
- Installations of exhaust fans
- Replacement of furnaces
- Meter reset/re-connections
- Adding circuits
- Miscellaneous wiring, such as relocation of electrical outlets or re-wiring
- Temporary power poles for construction sites
- Electric vehicle charging stations for private garages
- Water heater replacements, except tankless types
- Water or sewer piping repairs
- Gas line repairs
- Repair or replacement of drains
- Water softener installations
- Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV) for domestic service
To learn more about Simple Permits, see Information Bulletin 103.
- A Simple Permit is issued when the work does not require any type of plan review. Plans and calculations will be required for all buildings and structures, such as multi-family residences, apartments, commercial and other non-residential properties, and all properties designated as historic or located in historic districts. See Information Bulletin 581 for more information about designated historical resources.
- Owner-Builders must also upload the Owner-Builder Verification Form DS-3042.
- Download detailed instructions on how to apply for a Simple Permit, pay invoices and schedule inspections.
- Licensed contractors will receive the permit as soon as they complete and submit the application and pay the invoice. Homeowners will receive their Simple Permit normally within two business days after the completed Owner-Builder Verification Form DS-3042 is submitted. An inspection can be scheduled once the invoice is paid and the permit is issued.